Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Anti-Drugs Crusader

Where do I start?? My passion for campaigning against drugs and their abuse needs no emphasising... I therefore have a deep sense of gratification when I realise what I was able to achieve through the group that I Patron the StAY Alive Fellowship... Yes, the barons swim in money, yes, people are still drinking and smoking pot, yes, yes, yes... but the achievements we managed on November 24th go a long way in the campaign against drugs.

Personally encountering a man who confided in me and stated that he has a real alcohol problem and has been wondering what to do, dishing stickers to little boys and girls and stating not to experiment with drugs calls for a praise report... I could go on and on... Let me stop there for now. You can however read the praise report by the StAY Alive Fellowship together with some pics here.

Say Yes To Life - Say No To Drugs

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

StAY Klean & StAY Alive Anti-Drugs Roadshow 2007

The big one is here. StAY Alive's biggest event - in terms of reach and societal impact, happens on Nov 24th 2007.

Under the K.A.T.A.A Initiative, the roadshow is the major event in StAY Alives anti-drugs program. As it has come to be known, the roadshow is an engaging and heated run through Zimmerman and Githurai.

However this year sees heightened political activity and it may be difficult to distinguish us from the mostly frustrating political campaigners. In order not to loose the groups intended impact and to separate ourselves from the seekers of political office, this years roadshow will take the form of silent marches, door to door outreaches and centralised information centres. Within the centres we shall be screening short movies on drugs and on HIV/AIDS. Other activities in the information centres will include counseling and training among others. To keep the mood alive we shall a three piece Jazz Band at hand. You will not see the puppeteers, the live music, or the brass bands that you have been accustomed to... you can however be assured that all the happenings that take place behind these activities including information distribution, man to man exchanges, counseling sessions etc will be there.

What should make this years show interesting is the fact that we shall actually be physically knocking on doors, distributing info on a personal level and generally get to campaign for LIFE... thus this years slogan... Say Yes To Life - Say No To Drugs KATAA.

The slogan is actually a vote... you say YES to life by saying NO to drugs!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Operation 25 - Now Closing

Hey good people...

My Operation 25 is fast heading to a close. May I brief you on how I 'performed'... With a target to collect 2,000/- per kilometer my total collections were targetted to hit 50,000/-.

I can gladly state that I did receive pledges totalling 56,161/-. To date, I have managed to convert 46,411/- of the pledges into cash and these will go a long way in assisting StAY Alive Fellowship and the K.A.T.A.A Initiative achieve their targets for this year.

Have I given up on hitting my target? Definitely not, infact I am sure that by Sunday, through God’s grace, I will have surpassed the target.

On another issue, the main activity takes place on Nov 24th... I will be updating you on the going on's but one things for sure!!! With the current political campaigns going a notch higher, you can trust us to come up with a differently packaged roadshow this time round ... watch this space ...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Africas Text Generation

There is a new generation of Kenyans who believe that they can define their own destiny rather than conform to the status quo. This is a networked generation that is connected more by text messaging than by traditional cultural bonds. on...

Octobers Gone

Hey Good People:

I think I had underestimated the whole October issue!!! It seems to have spilt over into November and I am telling you... life is on the fast lane on all accounts!!!

Thankfully I thank God for November... my daughter Wema gets promoted to primary school, my wifes returns home from her scandinavian sojuorn, its my birthday later in the month...

I trust to be guided by Paul and Silas example of praising God for whom He is ... so my guiding lines are:

Acts 16:

22The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten. 23After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. 24Upon receiving such orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks.
25About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose....
