Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I usually do not put down any political commentaries but on this one you will allow me!!!

The much taunted Grand Coalition Government has been unveiled... in it we see good old Mr Moi smiling along!!! Almost the entire lot have served for him!!! So much for what the president had said in his campaigns... lean and clean government. The premier also disappointed ... for a man whose middle name should be CHANGE I was thoroughly disappointed to see the likes of Kipkalya Kones, William Ole Ntimama to mention but a few...

Anyone who has cared to listen to me speak about the history of politics in Kenya will now agree with what I have been saying all along. Kenya is under a political elite handed down from the colonial days up to now!!! These guys are all the same, they control all the power and property ... indeed they are together!!! What do I mean? Well this is what. They all seat at one dining table and all we do is change the guy holding the serving spoon... but all is not lost!!! CHEER UP KENYA - WE SHALL OVERCOME.

Meanwhile, here's a pun filled relaunch I initiated at a e-forum... enjoy the anecdotes!!!

When a product (or service) is being relaunched there are all sorts of campaigns that are carried out. Well the cabinet was being re-launched recently... assuming it was an advert how would it go?? Allow me to be first up: - ITS BIGGER, ITS BETTER (sic)... BUT IT STILL HAS THE SAME OLD QUALITY (sic) YOU HAVE BECOME USED TO. - Pappa

(soundtracks...) then song starts 'domo domo..domo' raila appears..'sisi tuliacha domo'..kalonzo appears waving the wiper...'sasa tumepata kazi'..musalia appears doing a jig..'ala!'..the orezo appears and says 'mimi niliambiwa tu nimeshinda'...then everyone bursts out laughing and shake hands...then title text comes on the screen GRAND COALITION 2008: YOU KNOW YOU CAN TRUST US! - Gee




It's Finally Here... the big one is here... Not One, Not Two, Not Three but this time Forty Odd Ones... More Jobs For More ... - Pappa


For More See The Actual Forum Here.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April:: My Milestone Month

Hey!!! April is here and I am calling it my milestone month. Just before I get to that let me talk about the first day of April, aka April Fools Day. Well did you know that the Bible actually brands all who lie to a neighbour and say they were just joking as being worse than murderous fools??? Proverbs 26:18,19 states:

18 Like a madman shooting firebrands or deadly arrows 19 is a man who deceives his neighbor and says, "I was only joking!"

I hope you were not caught up in the murky April Fools affairs.

Milestone month? Ah, yes!

::My daughter turns 6 on the third and as I watch my son move into early teenage its amazing what is happening to Wema and the role my son, Malcolm has on her life. I pray God allows me not to miss any step in this fledging and symbiotic relationship and that it bodes well for both siblings and for the glory of God.

::We have just completed the first organised small group discussion that my wife and I have been facilitating on the Purpose Driven series. With forty participants split into two groups the closing ceremony was a combined celebration for the two groups with a sumptous breakfast being served. I call it a milestone in that God has used these group of people in an amazing way to bless our lives and theirs too and its only a matter of time before they burst into full potential carrying the entire church with them. Opportunities for other groups sprouting from some of the group members are there not to mention our own Season II that should be kicking off in two months. By the way, for accountability purposes, the groups agreed to a monthly joint meeting over the next five months and who knows what God might have in store. As a goodwill gesture, the group raised funds to purchase a book and obtain the accompanying study material to send to some one in OlKalau (somewhere in Cenrtral Kenya) who received a 'lost' sms in the initial stages of the groups development and requested the same. Was the sms really lost? I do not think so!!

::The firm I have been working for over the past year has been bought off by a rival signalling that our contracts are on the line. While this brings tonnes of disquiet among my colleagues, I could not help but notice the calmness and joy Christ placed in my heart at the happenings... actually I was more worried for my colleagues and how they would receive the news more than myself. Just a few days before the news, I had a brief chat with a colleague whom I remember saying to that I am in the firm only for a season and a reason and once its complete it will be my time to move on as God provides!!! How prophetic!! Its easy for me to feel depressed as is my boss... we have literaly sweat ourselves out turning around the business from near oblivion to building our brand to its rightful status and just when we had got to the top of the hill and have a good view... events happening hundreds of miles away (in a board room in London) sweep all that away in one go!!!

What does the immediate future portend? I intend to give my all in the transfer process and ensure the few loose ends that remain are dealt with conclusively (i.e. make it much easier for whomever will be taking over) as I look out with grace and joy at what Christ has in store for me. As if having a premonition, I had already renewed my registration with my employing agency ready to listen to any opprotunities out there... I guess nows the time to spruce up the resume and hit the road!!

My guiding verse this month is off Pauls letter to the Romans Chapter 8:28,37-39

28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.37 ... in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I am more than a Conquerer!!!

Eight Myths About Cow Milk - By Dee Overly

The milk industry has created several reasons why we need our daily dose. We've heard some of these for so many years now that they have become part of our thinking. It's time to examine the myths, lies and propaganda about cow's milk.

:: Cow's milk is pasteurised to make it safer:
Milk is pasteurisd at over 170 degrees. All of the enzymes and anything of value in the milk are killed at 130 degrees. So, it's fortified, value has to be added back in. What pasteurisation really did for the business was give milk a longer shelf life. But beware. Raw milk sours when it goes bad, so you know it immediately. With pasteurized milk you can't tell when it has started to spoil. It's already rancid long before the bad odour develops.

::Cow's milk is a good substitute for mother's breast milk:
Let nature be your guide. The structure of the milk for each species is designed to meet the specific needs of that species. Humans do not need to put on weight as fast as cows. The high fat and cholesterol content of cow's milk should be on everyone's list of things to avoid.

::Our children need milk to make them strong and healthy:
Humans are the only species that refuse to wean their young. Again, we've set ourselves above nature. How wise is this? Studies are showing that dairy products are the leading cause of allergies. Since cow's milk causes a build-up of mucus in our bodies, dairy can be linked as a primary cause for runny noses, colds, ear infections, bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma, and even hay fever.

::Milk is essential for good teeth: This is still being touted today even though it was brought into great question back in the 1960s. A study was done using rats because their tooth decay process is biologically identical to human teeth. The end result was that the group fed pasteurised milk got twice as many cavities as the group on the sugar-fed diet.

::We need milk and dairy products for protein: The protein component in cow's milk is casein. This substance is so thick and coarse that it's used to make some of the strongest wood glues you can buy. Cow's milk contains 300 times more casein than human milk. But then, cows also have four stomachs for digestion. Human bodies lack the digestive ability to break down the casein protein.

::Pregnant women need to drink more milk:
Actually, the more cow's milk a pregnant woman drinks, the more likely the infant will need that suction tube hospitals always have on hand. It sucks out the thick mucus from the baby's nose and throat at delivery so it can breathe. It's called "muco-protein" and mothers-to-be may want to learn more about this. Remember, your unborn is eating what you're eating. The high mucus content of milk passes into your baby.

::Breast feeding mothers need to drink more milk:
Have you ever heard of a cow drinking milk so that it has better and more nutritious milk for its calf? No adult mammal on this planet drinks milk except for the human. For some reason we've put ourselves above the laws of nature. If we look at nature we'll find the plant life foods to make nutritious breast milk for our species' young.

::Milk helps coat the stomach and ease the pain of ulcers: This idea has been passed down through the last few generations and seems to still be floating around. Dairy products are acid-forming foods. Milk will aggravate an ulcer. You'll want to talk to your doctor for help in dealing with an ulcer.If milk is a major part of your life style and you are looking for an alternative, you should consider soymilk. It's high in calcium and its protein is easy to digest.

It seems there is some adjusting to be done!!

Dee Overly writes for www.articlehealthandfitness.com.