Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May: My Sunshine Month

May has always been nostalgic for me. On May 1st 1999 I placed my marriage to God and made a solemn vow to love my wife til death do us part!!! We call it the Labour of Love (the anniversary is on Labour Day remember).

This year the family got to share a VERY sumptuous breakfast and also managed to visit the proposed site of the future abode!!!

Speaking of which: In my posts of October 2007 I had indicated our hope of breaking ground at our future abode... it finally happened almost six months later, well within God's plan. Even with the uncertainties surrounding my employment contract, we decided to proceed with the project and we are trusting God that He will see us through phase I and at least allow us have a roof over our heads where we can move in.

Another fabulous thing that has happened is that our Home Fellowship has been introduced to this brilliant format of a prayer chain which we are now taking every Thursday night... I see God transforming us and us doing exploits for the glory of His Name.

My key study point this month will be on Righteousness. I hope I will be able to share some on this.

Bare Ground

Broken Ground