Sunday, September 30, 2007

Operation 25 (All Systems Go !!)

The post-graduate research project is now behind my back (thank the Lord with me for clearly its defense is something I'd not like to go through again in a while !!!)

What that means though (besides the fact that I may be graduating soon) is that all the systems are geared towards nailing the 25kms. Tizi will be up a notch from this evening, pledge collection will also be up a notch, and do not forget registration of supporting walkers is ongoing (see previous posts on how to).

To make it worth looking forward to see the route map (not to scale) and get down to the business of exercising and psyching yourself up... CAN'T STOP - WON'T STOP ...

Operation 25 Route Map (not to scale)

Monday, September 24, 2007


Africa Let's Worship! The call to lift our hands and voices as one, in adoration of the King of Kings, is back again. Yet another nightful of powerful praise and worship is coming our way this September. It's the 2007 edition of AFLEWO, set to be held on Friday, 28th September 2007. New choir, new passion, and even a new venue describe this year's AFLEWO, which moves to the expansive Nyayo Stadium from the traditional NPC Karen.

Event organisers explain that the move is in anticipation of the large numbers expected at this year's AFLEWO (Their estimate is 40,000 plus people). They are quick to allay fears about security, with confirmation that the Stadium's police post will have the event more than covered. As usual, entry is free and food will be available (for sale) in plenty. Moreover, designated transport will be available from Kencom bus terminus both to and from Nyayo Stadium at a fee.

The 150-strong Aflewo choir, drawn from various churches in the city, has been hard at practice in preparation for the night. One has no excuse whatsoever for missing this exciting night of prayer, praise and worship.

:: A Little Background
AFLEWO, acronym for Africa Let's Worship, was started by Sing Africa in 2004 with a vision to stir up hope across Africa through annual events of worship in music and prayer. For three years running, the event has been held at Nairobi Pentecostal Church – Karen in the month of September. On these nights, multitudes sung praises to God and interceded for Africa. The 2006 chapter featured guests from Nigeria, South Africa and the USA.

The Aflewo event has attracted an increasing audience since its inception. About 6,000 attended the inaugural edition; the number doubled in 2005; and in 2006 approximately 20,000 people attended including guests from Nigeria, South Africa and the USA. The Aflewo Vision is to have the event take place in every capital city in Africa by 2017.

:: At A Glance
Event: AFLEWO 2007
Date: 28th September 2007
Venue: Nyayo Stadium
Time: 8.30 pm
Cost: Free
Misc: Designated transport available from Kencom Bus Terminus at a fee.
[extracted from]

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Breaking News (Operation 25 New Date)

It has nothing to do with my slow exercise regime (but I have to admit that my body is yet to attain aerobic levels)... but the walk date has been pushed from Sep 29th to Oct 13th 2007. Nothing else changes... good thing is that we get to attend AFLEWO (did someone tell me its happening on the night of Sep 28th??) and we have more company for the walk itself...

Question is:
  • have you registered as a walker
  • have you joined the campaign against drugs by sponsoring yours truly

Drop me a line ( we take this agenda forward !!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Operation 25 (Update II)

Its now less than two weeks to the day... went slow on the workouts but resumed in earnest today (18th Sep 2007). I should be in shape for the event but completion of my post-graduate project (which is overdue by the way) is getting in the way!!! With God's help, I will nail both...

On the fundraising front, with the pledges I have to date I should hit my target before walk day!!! As usual the challenge is turning the pledges to cash :) ... going by previous experience I have had a pledge convertion ratio of 94% which I am also targetting to surpass.

Supporting walkers registration is now open... all you need is to register as a walker with 1,000/- and you will obtain a free tshirt (carrying the bold message - I AM AN ANTI-DRUGS CRUSADER, on the back and the guiding slogan this year CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP phil 3:12-14). Drop me a line ( and will give you the finer details.

TShirt Front Print:

TShirt Back Print:


Lets say No to drugs - KATAA

PHD prais-athon 2007 in the works

Each year... (this will be the third year)... StAY Alive Fellowship in conjunction with the St Andrews Praise Team and a host of accomplished instrumentalists and vocalists hold a marathon of praise every October. phd [Pullin' Heaven Down] Prais-Athon is a live, inclusive praise and worship experience encouraging a personal encounter with God.

Preps for the day have began... an interesting turn is that the Nairobi Diocese youth arm has joined in and thus this years marathon happens TWICE... the annual afternoon affair takes place on Oct 28th starting at 2:30pm (EAT) and an overnight marathon happening on the night of November 2nd 2007 at 9:30pm to dawn.
Mark the dates, put on your praise armor and get ready to worship!!

Promotional Flyer

Images From Previous prais-athons:

Friday, September 14, 2007

Operation 25 (Update)

My exercise program continues in earnest... started off with a few jumps on the skipping rope but have now graduated to some aerobics and stretches.
Without wanting to burn myself out before the d-day (Sep 29th) I am turning it up. Remember my walking rythm is never interupted from start to finish keepin the beat without stopping for close to four hours.
You still have a chance of joining me... the route: St Marks Church in Westlands through Spring Valley, Nyari, Gigiri, Runda, Ridgeways, Garden Estate, Thika Road on to ACK St. Andrews Church Zimmerman. My colleagues and I start off at 07:00hrs (GMT+3)
Register with 1,000/- and obtain a free t-shirt... and exercise, excercise, exercise!!

Revert to me on ( for further details.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Beracah 2007

A background of the Down to Beracah concert:

This event started some years back as a talent show. The idea is to allow StAY Alive members and the peeps around share a stage with established names in the industry and have a closeup with them for their encouragement.

The event has now become an annual concert and has in the previous 6years been graced by the presense of among others Voices United Choir, C-FU, Wangeci Mbogoh, Mercy Masika, Linda Orocha, Chizi, Webi, Kamau Karongo etc.

The event is held to each year in August to coincede with the Youth Sunday.

For details of the background to the name Beracah see:;&version=31;

Its generally a call to descend the valley of praise (Beracah means praise).

Operation 25

I patron this youth group from Zimmerman (yeah… mtaani) named the StAY Alive Fellowship. StAY Alive’s mission cannot be attained without reaching out to the young people around them. Many social ills continue to affect the country’s young people and the group agree that they need to be an instrument of change to society. They have identified the areas which our young are being affected most and have taken up the challenge to change this by impacting on the society around them and have zeroed in on what has affected them the most; sexual immorality and the related HIV/AIDS pandemic and drug abuse.

StAY Alive runs several programs including:
1. StAY Alive PEVU – A mentorship program
2. P2H (Penzi Halisi Husubiri) Program – A true love waits program (Sexual purity).
3. K-A-T-A-A Initiative - Anti Drugs and Substance Abuse program. K-A-T-A-A is an acronym for Keepin’ Away Threatening Abuse & Addiction

Their anti-drugs campaign climaxes each year in December with a day long-roadshow in and around Zimmerman Est. This years event will be the 6th with great achievements having been met.

As part of my commitment to raise funds each year I walk 25kms in an event dubbed Operation 25. This year I have committed myself to raise 2,000/- per km making a total target of 50,000/-. This years budget for the event stands at 300,000/- and I therefore hope, with your support, to fund 16% of it. The walk is slated for September 29th 2007.

I am now sending an appeal for sponsorship towards the same. I invite you to give me your pledge by reply email ( and a date when I can arrange to collect the same collected. Further if your organisation would be willing to offer support to this program please advise and I will pass info to the group to make an approach.

As usual you need not pay-up everything at one go… I have until end-November to submit my returns, but remember pledging now gives your commitment to sponsor me… up to the challenge?


PS: I will cover the walk from St Marks Church in Westlands through Spring Valley, Nyari, Gigiri, Runda, Ridgeways, Garden Estate, Thika Road on to ACK St. Andrews Church Zimmerman… feel free to join me. If interested reply and I will give you details on how to.